Arkansas State University - Newport:
Donations of any and every size make a difference in the life of a student and in the future of the communities we serve. Your support transforms student’s lives. The generosity of donors such as yourselves allow innovative programs to thrive, students to flourish and communities to be enriched.
Fowler family gives one million dollars to support construction of Fowler Family Hospitality Services Building and ensure quality educational opportunities for the food service industry in Northeast Arkansas.
The generous help of four of our strategic partners over the last three years including MC- Express, Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas, Maverick Transportation and Truck Centers of Arkansas have helped provide numerous scholarships for hard-working ASU-Newport students and equipment, which has been valued at over $175,000, to ensure advanced training and create stellar employees. Additionally, our partners generous giving has provided scholarships for 210 students allowing them the opportunity to earn a living wage right here at home.
Whether it is a student you want to motivate, a loved one you wish to honor or an educational program you would like to see expanded, the ASUN annual fund provides you that opportunity. The ASUN fund is a vital source of unrestricted gifts that support current operations and are critical in meeting the day-to-day needs of the college. Every dollar helps to support student scholarships, faculty and staff enrichment programs, funding for academic program equipment, and seed money for innovative programs.
Your life-changing gift to ASU-Newport can be made in a variety of forms and is tax deductible in the calendar year in which it is received. To make a gift by mail, please make checks payable to the ASU Foundation and send to:
Arkansas State University-Newport
Office of Advancement
7648 Victory BLVD.
Newport, AR 72112
For more information regarding gifts to ASU-Newport, please contact the Office of Advancement at (870)-512-7754. Thanks for your support!